Friday, February 21, 2014

Spend Less, Weigh Less

Who needs the beginning of the month or even the week to make a change?? In January, I kicked off the year with a 30 day DietBet which was a lot of fun and definitely motivating! I beat my target by losing 5% (8.4lbs) of my body weight (YAY!!) and I was able to do that in the first 3 weeks of the month simply left to maintain for the final week of the challenge. 

After that, I got lazy....and then I got sick.  I started letting my nutrition and workouts slip and immediately felt the results. I was on vacation in Vegas last week and was not feeling as confident as I had been in the weeks prior. Also, returning from vacation reminded me of my financial goals. I'm kicking off my 30 day blitz to financial freedom and good health TODAY! 30 days to #SpendLessWeighLess

Step One: Make a Plan
I had been eyeing up this plan referenced on another friends blog for awhile. She had started the challenge in February and I have been staring at the open tab on my browser since then. It's time to get started!! I am currently obsessed with this blog and have been printing the assignments and getting organized. 

Last night I completed my first assignment Establish the Ground Rules and Organize Your Pantry which was EYE OPENING! Where did all this food come from?? Seriously, I have no excuses for buying groceries...EVER! I will still be buying the basics like milk and bread but for the most part meats, veggies, and starches will be coming from my pantry or freezer. 

I initially thought that this month would prevent me from doing much with friends but I'm going to embrace this as an opportunity to get creative with (nearly) free outings around the city, hit the gym with a friend, and hosting a home happy hour because I have a plethora of appetizers and wine! :)

Step Two: Eat Well
The first day home from vacation calls for ROUTINE and it tasted SOOO good! I kicked off the day with an amazing chocolate orange protein shake. For me, the most important part of eating well is planning well (hence knowing what's in my pantry!). I really love meal planning and recently I discovered that if I prepare 90% of my food on Sunday, I am almost guaranteed to have a successful week including workouts. It's so easy to say I have to go home and make dinner and skip the gym all together! If there are already leftovers in the fridge or a meal prepared, NO EXCUSES!!   
I'm ready to conquer my plan and feel AWESOME! What excuses have been standing in your way? Build a plan and BUST THEM!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How Did We Get Here!?!

A few weeks ago, a moment struck. I felt an idea bubbling up. Something stirred and my curiosity was piqued. If I started a blog to talk about health, nutrition, triathlon, running, and my own experiences navigating all of these arenas, would anyone show up to read about it?! So, I did what is natural. I posted the question on Facebook for my friends, family, and acquaintances to answer for me! Nearly 50 people liked and commented! Apparently I am in demand! Today, I welcome you to the little niggling though that after nearly a month of pondering is becoming a reality!

Every article I read said I should introduce myself. Who am I?  While I strive to be the favorite daughter, best big sister, most motivating coach, loyal and loving friend, I generally find myself to be pretty average. I've been told I'm of above average height (5'8"). My friends or family will say the hour I'm required to get up on any given race day is crazy (never later than 5am). My personal trainer has told me I'm crazy to be maintaining a training schedule towards my second half Ironman while working full time and trying to launch my own business. In spite of these comments, I consider myself to be pretty average. How could I not when I take to my Facebook feed and check out my friends latest marathon pics or posts about placing in their age group - I've never even signed up for a marathon let alone completed one! My friends post pics of their before and after pics showing off the 20, 30, and up to 80 pounds they've lost!  I celebrate the successes of my friends earning 6 figure incomes with their own home based businesses - I'm working on a couple of hundred dollars per month!  I read about the hysterical anecdotes of my friends young children - let's face it, I'm at least a few years from the baby plan! The achievements of my friends ASTOUND me! Truthfully, I'm just trying to keep up! :)
I don't know what this blog will PLAN is to track my own training plans and overall fitness. My GOAL is to find a few people who will join me on this journey. My HOPE is that you find it to be an informative place to gain new perspective on health and wellness. My WISH is that you find it to be entertaining and interesting. My DREAM is that I can achieve all of these things in one place!

What are your dreams? Are you training for a race - your first 5k or your 5th marathon? Are you trying to lose 80 pounds or lose the last 5 pounds? Are you up on every diet and trend or are you simply striving for a healthier you? Whatever your goal, shout it from the rooftops and let's go for it together!